Fundamentalism (General)

by David Turell @, Monday, November 03, 2008, 00:17 (5661 days ago) @ Walter

Oppression creates nothing but resentment. If people have no hope for the future, they turn to the fundamentalists. > 
> Why do you talk of emotional liberals? Does emotion have no part to play in human relations? > 
> The Arab world must unite to recognize Israel and to provide safeguards. That's essential. If you see him [ Yoni] as a "real Israeli", how do you believe the Palestinian tragedy will end? And how would you like it to end? - I'll answer your comments one at a time: Your comment on oppression is absolutely correct. Bush asks for 'democratic elections' and up pops Hamas. What did he expect. Stupid foreign policy. - Liberals act primarily on emotion. I remember my thinking as a child and young adult from New York. By age 40 I gradually became very conservative, probably libertarian in many ways. Emotion gets in the way of logic and reason. As a physician (Internist/Cardiologist doing primary care) I had to analyize my feelings about each patient. Neutral, no problem; liked them as a friend, required more thought as to my decisions; dislike the patient and send them elsewhere so their care might be better maintained. Of course I am emotional, but I've had to recognize it, and as I apply logic to my political thinking an avoidance of emotion is necessary. Problem solving must be logical and rational. An overlay of emotion will color any decision, perhaps inappropriately. Note I said perhaps, because despite emotion a correct decision can be made if emotion is felt and accounted for. - The Arabs must guarantee Israel perpetual safety. Who will enforce the agreement? The UN? Don't make me laugh. The Blue Helmets are worth nothing in Africa. Only the USA and China are strong militarily. The Chinese won't care.
Yoni is a Sabra, born in Israel and fought for them. If your little country is repeatedly attacked and/or threatened, how would you feel? - What do I like to end the mess: The Palestinians are pawns in a diplomatic game. You have not commented on why they are trapped in Gaza and the West Bank. The first step is open emigration to anywhere in the Arab World. Can't do it now. Second step is the peace guarantee reinforced by the 'great powers' USA, UK, France, Germany, and Russia. Third, Israel gives up Gaza and most of the West Bank. Fourth, the Old city of Jeruselem is declared an international city and modern cosmopolitan Jeruselem is the Israeli Capital.

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