Fundamentalism (General)

by Walter, Sunday, November 02, 2008, 12:42 (5661 days ago) @ David Turell

I'm afraid it's the people who you call clear-thinking intellectuals who will not only perpetuate the Palestinian tragedy but will continue to make it worse. Oppression creates nothing but resentment. If people have no hope for the future, they turn to the fundamentalists. Thats why Hamas won the election. Its the fundamentalists who are prepared to give them help and some sort of hope. Your solution is presumably to eradcate the fundamentalists, but the more you try, the more of them you create. Your socalled clear thinking creates a spiral of violence. - Why do you talk of emotional liberals? Does emotion have no part to play in human relations? Or do you think politics has nothing top do with human relations? Or with relief of suffering? Or with a fair society? And is it emotional to argue that starving people will fight you for food, so its better for you to give them food than starve them? - The liberals are not arguing against Israel's security. The Arab world must unite to recognize Israel and to provide safeguards. That's essential. But Israel and it's western backers must recognize the human tragedy of the Palestinian Arabs and must give them hope for their future. Your yonitheblogger seems quite happy to let the war continue rather than make any concessions. If you see him as a "real Israeli", how do you believe the Palestinian tragedy will end? And how would you like it to end?

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