Why is there anything? (Introduction)

by dhw, Tuesday, December 27, 2011, 08:24 (4716 days ago) @ xeno6696

MATT: The real question is thus, in my mind, not “Why is there something?” but “Why isn’t there nothing?”

Dhw: I don’t see any difference between the two questions, since they both imply that there OUGHT to be nothing.

MATT: The difference is in the rabbit hole it sends you down.

You go on to say that the first question confronts you with present realities, while the second confronts you with your own possible nothingness.

I guess this is an instance of your tangential thinking! Most of us would associate the question with the origin of the universe, first cause, God, whereas you’re taking it on a personal level. Fair enough, and interesting in its own right – witness the discussion between yourself and David concerning your personal philosophies.

You do finish up with the universe, however, and as you say, we’re very close in our thinking. It often happens that when we’re not close, it’s because of definitions and not because of philosophy!

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