by Balance_Maintained @, U.S.A., Wednesday, November 16, 2011, 17:55 (4567 days ago) @ Balance_Maintained

Abel's Universe


1: Any sufficiently advanced technology would indistinguishable from magic. ~ Arthur C. Clarke .. I can agree with that.

2: I also concur that most legends and myth start with a grain of truth.

3: I also concur that the book of Genesis is not to be interpreted literally as 6 days. However, my belief is based on the literal translation of the word used, which translates roughly to 'a period of time'.

4: According to your statements, you seem to believe that no 'intelligent' life evolved on its own on Earth, and that apes were genetically altered in order to produce Homo Sapiens. Also implied in your statements is that other members of the Homo genus were also engineered from apes, with Homo Sapien being the culmination of the genetic alteration process. Is that an accurate summation? If so, how do you reconcile the large time spans involved with the transition between ape and Homo Sapien? Was this the work of a single generation of God(s)/Aliens, or multiple generations of them? What is your definitive answer regarding the length of their lifespans?

5: You statement that the universe created God is at odds with stating that God is not an individual, but a race, and is also disingenuous. The sum of your statements is, "A superior race evolved, and there is no god as such" which is directly at odds with your claim of being a theist. Can you please reconcile these disparities with clear and concise statements?

6: What is your definition of 'far simpler' in respects to the design of a race of beings? Also, please give contrasting examples to describe how their design is simpler than our own. While you are at it, please reconcile how humanity could be less perfect yet more complex than our creators?

7: I would agree that science and religion do in fact compliment either other far more than either side gives credit for. However, I see it as each searching for answers to a different set of questions.

8: In trying to rectify the bible with your theory, you labeled your aliens as: Elohim, God, God(s), ET's, Angels, Arch Angels, etc. Could you please pick a name and stick with it? The reason for this particular request is that they do not all imply nor mean the same thing, and it makes the conversation hard to follow when you use them interchangeably. Since earlier you said that you believed those called "Gods" by ancient civilizations were in fact aliens, I would suggest that you stick with calling them Aliens. It is something that everyone here can completely and unequivocally understand.

9: Could you please refine your comments regarding the 'fall from grace'. You are mixing metaphors there and it makes it hard to follow you. Also, what, in your theory, is the cause for the fall from grace. You explicitly state that ti happened, but give no surrounding information. To me, it simply seems like a very poor attempt to quantify a biblical statement with bad science. Please stick to either a scientific explanation or a religious one until you are able to describe both events with the utmost clarity.

10: I would agree, and have stated as much on this site, that humanity is de-evolving. I suppose it could be better stated as, humanity is evolving to a lower state of physical, mental, and spiritual realization since de-evolution is sort of an oxymoron.

11: Are you claiming that the survival instinct is a necessary evil, or that a difficult life is a necessary evil?

12: In the last two statements, you seem to contradict yourself again.

Dead things stay dead. (bacteria argument)

Since I was a child, I could see ghosts

Since by definition, a ghost is the spirit of something that at one point was alive, it could be argued that if ghosts do exist, then dead is not dead, but rather a transition from one state of being to another.

I will hold further comment on any of these topics until Abel is able to clarify his remarks.

What is the purpose of living? How about, 'to reduce needless suffering. It seems to me to be a worthy purpose.

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