by Balance_Maintained @, U.S.A., Wednesday, November 16, 2011, 16:41 (4567 days ago) @ dhw

Abel's Universe


"I believe that an advanced science or technology might appear to be magical or miraculous, but it is not."

"I believe (The Old Testament) is primarily myth passed down by word of mouth over hundreds of years before it was committed to paper (with all its' inaccuracies), but still that legend possesses a few kernels of truth."

"The book of Genesis is a simplified (as it had to be)story of creation. If God's "days" were considered an age or era (millions of years, rather than thousands), I could generally live with it says."

"It is my belief that Adam and Eve represented the final race of man placed upon this world in an on-going effort to improve the genome."

"I don't believe that God created the universe, I believe the universe created God."

"I also don't believe that God is an individual, all-powerful, all-knowing being. "

I believe that "God" is a race of beings, brought about by the process of abiogenesis followed by evolution.

This race's design is much simpler than our own.

Many scientists subscribe to the theory of intelligent design, not because it conflicts with the theory of evolution, but because it complements it. It fills in the gaps nicely (and there are huge gaps).

When abiogenesis occurred it happened in a much larger pool of matter, over a much longer period of time, someplace where entropy was not tearing every macromolecule to shreds before the first chapter of the book of life could be written.

Call this race the first race, the ancients, the Elohim, God, god(s), ET’s, angels, archangels, whatever you want, the archaeological evidence of their existence is in the tools that they made."

When matter fell from this state of "grace" it became imperfect and its' interactions imperfect as well. Each successive "fall", from EM matter to M matter or E matter then finally to matter, induced another degree of uncertainty and entropy into the system as integral relationships that added or subtracted perfectly on a a real brane, became a range of values that were referred on an imaginary one (the quadrants that contained these matter/time particles are now empty). Thus interactions that before would have only occurred perfectly at specific times now occur imperfectly all the time.

Humanity, as a race is advancing genetically towards extinction as the telomeres at the end of our strands of DNA become shorter with each passing eon.

To understand why life in matter as we understand it is corrupting, you must the concept of a necessary evil. In matter as we understand it, life is very hard. This drive to survive is a necessary evil.

Dead things stay dead. (bacteria argument) (no cellular AAA battery)

Since I was a child, I could see ghosts

What is the purpose of living? How about, 'to reduce needless suffering. It seems to me to be a worthy purpose.

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