Horizontal gene transfer: does drive evolution (Introduction)

by David Turell @, Thursday, July 12, 2018, 21:25 (2107 days ago) @ Balance_Maintained

David: from the rticle:

> "The effect of the introduction of TEs into mammals was striking. “We think the entry of L1s into the mammalian genome was a key driver of the rapid evolution of mammals over the past 100 million years,” says Adelson. (my bold)

"The specific genes that jump are not so important, Adelson continues; rather “it’s the fact that they introduce themselves into other genomes and cause disruption of genes and how they are regulated.”

"Despite being the largest study of HGT to date, Adelson believes they have “only begun to scratch the surface of horizontal gene transfer. There are many more species to investigate and other types of jumping genes.'”

David Comment: This was not anticipated in the theoretical discussions by Darwin. Is this the inventive mechanism used by God or is it another version of chance evolution? Note the effect on mammalian evolution.

Tony: It is predicted by my hypothesis, though, because it is an common element in the programming language.

You are implying whoever designed the program was an excellent programmer.

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