More about how evolution works: look at the video (Evolution)

by dhw, Thursday, October 29, 2015, 11:45 (3101 days ago) @ David Turell

dhw: In other words, it is not information that DOES the planning; it is the planning mechanism - itself perhaps created with the use of information - that uses information (facts, data, knowledge) to do the planning. So let us refer to it as the planning mechanism (or intelligence, or God), and not as information with some fancy tag.
DAVID: Not 'perhaps'. Information runs life, period. -My ‘perhaps' referred to your God using information to create the planning mechanism.-DAVID: There are many websites which discuss this:
&... "Living matter is a dynamic mixture of organic polymers, nucleic acids and
polypeptides, with significant contributions from carbohydrate and lipids.
Inorganic ions and other organic compounds e.g vitamins, play significant
additional roles in the mixture.
It is a mixture far from thermodynamic equilibrium that generates
dissipative structures. It is a mixture in a nonequilibrium steady state.
(ii) Biology is about information which, at the highest and most universal
level, flows according to the “central dogma” : the information to make,
replicate and mold a cell is stored in genes, DNA, and is decoded by
making transient copies in the form of mRNAs from which it is translated
into proteins, that encode the functions of the cells (enzymes, structural
role, processing of information)."-I am well aware that “information” is the current buzzword, and I am challenging your use of it. Our discussion concerns how evolution works: aside from God's dabbling, the choice lies between cellular intelligence and a 3.8-billion-year computer programme passed down by the first cells. You have consistently used the term “intelligent information” to denote this programme, though you have also offered “planning” and “dynamic” as alternative descriptions. I have pointed out that you could just as easily use these terms to denote cellular intelligence. I accept that the information to make, replicate and mold a cell is stored in genes, DNA, but I would not call organic polymers etc. information: I would call them organic polymers. I see information as facts concerning what they are, what they do, and what can be done with them. One of the functions of cells is to process information. For clarity's sake, I want us to distinguish between what is processed and what does the processing, whereas you are telling me that information processes information. You say “information runs life.” I don't know what runs life, but I'm pretty sure that it entails a mechanism that processes and uses information. That is why I have suggested that we use “information” for what is processed, whereas what does the processing in your hypothesis is a 3.8-billion-year programme rather than “intelligent/dynamic/planning information”. -DAVID: The basis of biology is information. To me, as a human, the way information can only be developed and understood is by 'mind'.-That is precisely the argument of my hypothesis: the information is understood and developed by the “mind” or “intelligence” of the cell (which may have been designed by God).

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