Evolution (Introduction)

by David Turell @, Wednesday, July 29, 2009, 01:45 (5392 days ago) @ xeno6696

You cannot find a single U.S. science organization that refutes climate change. Not NASA, not USGS, not any lesser organization that I'm not recalling. - I did not think you were a herd follower, but much more skeptical. - > A handful of scientists does not make a consensus. The work done in Greenland on the ice cores is pretty damn conclusive to me. There is a correlation between environmental C02 and warming. A climate change is occuring, I find it hard to believe you deny it. - I don't deny the melting glaciers. I've seen them over the years in Glacier Nat. Park and Canada. The temps have gone up since the 1970's and are now starting back down for the past 10 years. There have been times on Earth when the Co2 is 2,000 ppm with low temps, and high temps with Co2 at 200 ppm or below. - > Still, I see nothing wrong with creating a market and an economy based around technologies that will help us moderate our environmental impact. - As a dictator you will not be a capitalist. I can see that. - > New Orleans should have been relocated 20-50 miles inland after Katrina. 
> Actually, I'm more interested in what we'll find if the Antarctic cap melts. Think of the ancient plants and microbes buried under there... - I agree absolutely about New Orleans, and your Antarctic idea is great. - About Global Warming Skepticism you should follow Lindzen; also Pat Michaels, Satanic Gases; Ian Plimer, Heaven & Earth, Global warming and the missing Science: this geology professor's book convinced the aussie gov't to stop the foolishness; Fred Singer, Unstoppable Global warming every 1,500 years. Singer is one of the profs who got our governmentt climate folks to take notice of UHI's. 2/3rds of all our weather stations have been overrun by city growth and heat. And follow the blog: Watts Up With That. All of these are eye openers.

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