Evolution (Introduction)

by dhw, Sunday, July 26, 2009, 22:54 (5395 days ago) @ xeno6696

Matt objects to one point in my summary of the Theory of Evolution: "I would still qualify that evolution is only compatible with certain kinds of theism...you appear to make a false distinction between theism and creationism." - Thank you. I think this is a valid criticism, but I don't like your alternative "three camps of creation, design, and my extreme deism". How about: The theory is compatible with belief in a conscious designer, but is not compatible with literal interpretations of the Bible? - A very minor matter: in your post of 24 July at 00.09 you wrote: "...if religion is taken by its root words "relig aire". (To fashion together.)" Just to set the record straight, the derivation of the word 'religion' is ... rather appropriately ... uncertain, but there seems to be general agreement that it goes back to the Latin 'religare'. 'Ligare' = to bind, not to fashion, and a possible explanation is that the term entails binding humans to God (e.g. through an oath). I haven't heard your version before, and don't know where your "aire" comes from, but it's certainly more evocative (and sceptical) than the derivation I know!

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