Evolution (Introduction)

by xeno6696 @, Sonoran Desert, Friday, July 17, 2009, 23:59 (5403 days ago) @ David Turell

He suggested way back when I joined that he finds information-theoretic arguments such as Dembski's as a potential flaw in evolution. I did my best to shed light on the truth of where that theory fails. I never did ask for a follow-up, however.
> The following article indicates why I am so interested in the issue of 'information' and how it was developed during the evolutinary process. All living matter lives by code.
> http://www.nature.com/nrg/journal/v10/n8/abs/nrg2548.html?lang=en
> I promise to answer other issues in Matt's and George's posts a little later when time is available. Our drought at the ranch makes watering the pastures a major time consumer. - I had to drop my subscription to Nature for financial reasons this year. You don't by chance have another site or paper?

\"Why is it, Master, that ascetics fight with ascetics?\"

\"It is, brahmin, because of attachment to views, adherence to views, fixation on views, addiction to views, obsession with views, holding firmly to views that ascetics fight with ascetics.\"

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