Why conversational equations and emergence (General)

by romansh ⌂ @, Thursday, April 03, 2014, 03:16 (3684 days ago) @ David Turell

Romansh: So if we could scan my brain whilst I am looking at something and somehow read what I was seeing then this would be indicative that information is indeed physical and not immaterial. Unless MRIs can now scan the immaterial?
> > 
> > Youtube
> > 
> > and something similar
> I view the two links as over-hyped junk. Remember fMRI measures blood flow to brain areas, nothing more. On the other hand the dream or thought is carried by ions over neural networks, with modifiable synapses, many degrees of separation from what is measured when looking at blood flow. They are measuring the energy transport required, nothing more. Just because there is energy required to create thought, does not mean that the thought itself has energy. Interpretive meaning does not have energy.-Over hyped junk? possibly.
But unfortunately this does not help your argument one iota David.-That we can get a crude image of vision from a very poor proxy for what our brain actually does. The observation that blood flow gives us information does not somehow diminish because it is measured in the degree of oxygenation in our blood.

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