Why conversational equations and emergence (General)

by Balance_Maintained @, U.S.A., Sunday, March 30, 2014, 21:42 (3688 days ago) @ romansh
edited by unknown, Sunday, March 30, 2014, 21:51

Romansh: A jet engine compressor was never meant to fly independently of the rest of the plane, so it is not surprising it does not fly. The fuselage and wings don't fly as well but they do glide and I fully expected them to glide. 
> An unexpected functionality is based on a faulty model. If we had been discussing unexpected antagonistic effects rather than synergic effects then we would not be having this discussion of emergence at all.-Flight is the expected function of the combined system. But what are some unexpected, or emergent properties, that were not intentionally designed or anticipated by the design? More importantly, emergent properties are non-deterministic, so you will get different outputs from the same inputs (which goes back to your comment about modeling sand dunes), so at best all we can ever understand of them is the parameters used as inputs, and the results of the outputs, but, generally speaking, the interactions in a system of systems is generally too complex or too 'apparently random' to trace emergent properties/patterns as a simple case of cause and effect.-**Edit** About Airplanes-At their most fundamental level, emergent algorithms exploit cascading effects of loosely coupled, dynamically changing, and partially trusted neighbors to achieve a common purpose shared by a subset of the participants. Only a limited repertoire of emergent methods has been identified, and they are only partially understood. The complete range of effects, whether positive or ill, resulting from cascading interactions with dynamically changing neighbors, is unknown. Phase shifts are a particularly difficult class of emergent effects that can occur in any physical system. They are poorly understood in most physical domains, but offer the potential for both dramatic benefits and catastrophic failures. Well-known examples of phase shifts include the transition of an airplane wing angle from one that provides lift to one initiating a stall, an overload in a power system that initiates a blackout, or the action of a fuse in breaking a circuit-Emergent Issues

What is the purpose of living? How about, 'to reduce needless suffering. It seems to me to be a worthy purpose.

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