Why conversational equations and emergence (General)

by romansh ⌂ @, Friday, March 28, 2014, 16:30 (3690 days ago) @ dhw

I don't care about which term we use dhw ... the only reason I mentioned it is that the definition of emergence you gave was essentially synonymous with synergism. And I carefully explained at the time what synergism was ... we have a model for what the expected outcome for a combination agents ... if the outcome is greater than the expected outcome, it is called synergism.-I have no problem with this. But it tell us that the model we have is at the very least incomplete and that something else is happening other than what was assumed in the model.-This is what mean that we have to balance our equations. Have an understanding of all the components. -Just saying that whole is greater than the sum of the parts ... is denying the first law of thermodynamics. I will need some pretty good evidence from you as to how this can be.-That complex systems and sometimes simple ones can leaded to complex behaviours is interesting.-Here is an example of simple system from which a complex emergent behaviour can be observed.-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U39RMUzCjiU-But there is no "whole" being greater than the sum of the parts here.

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