Evolution, Science & Religion (Evolution)

by romansh ⌂ @, Monday, June 18, 2012, 01:12 (4351 days ago) @ Balance_Maintained

Surpisingly enough, my agenda is not actually anti-materialist, though I know it seems that way. I am not even certain I would call it an agenda, as I have absolutely nothing to lose or gain from anyone sharing my worldview.
Which worldviews are you suggesting Tony. Surely not any old one?-> My perspective, though, is that a unilateral world view based solely on materialism or naturalism is dysfunctional, and that the evidence of that dysfunction is all around us. 
Here I would have some sympathy, a materialistic world view in the hands of the uniniated is worrisome. For example interpreting an event as speculative simply because we can't date it accurately when it happened.-> This same argument could be applied to any of the disciplines; theology, philosophy etc. A unilateral materialistic world view is precisely the mentality that the militant atheist like Dawkins are proposing, and is also the prevailing mindset of the world today. -I don't think Dawkins is promoting rape and pillage of the environment do you? Invoking the devil incarnate does little to promote your argument, at least very little for me.-> Hence the reason that it has been the focus of my discussion. If the dominant philosophy was religion and it was being applied unilaterally to our destruction, I would be arguing against it just as hard. There is a very very good reason that I chose the screen name Balance_Maintained. I think that sums up my position.-Here you put mankind its actions very firmly separate from nature. This is of course a reflection of a dualistic mindset. That you think you have a balanced view of course is a matter opinion. Of course we all know that my opinions can be found at the origin (0,0).

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