Evolution, Science & Religion (Evolution)

by romansh ⌂ @, Sunday, June 17, 2012, 18:40 (4352 days ago) @ xeno6696

Not exactly. Sort of true.
> It's not that eastern thought rejects free will, but it rejects the notion that the actor is in itself, a dependent, non-contingent thing. Our ego binds us and tricks us into thoughts of true independence.
Matt I carefully avoided using the term Free Will. I am aware that buddhism does not reject free will, though it does give a certain cognitive dissonance. -> Christianity was influenced very heavily by Greek philosophy in that it tried to go and MAKE all of these distinctions. This necessarily creates holes, which the early church waxed over with Dogma.
> An old sig of mine warned "An idea formed into a word is at best, a half-truth." The eastern influence on Christianity was purged with the destruction of the Gnostics. It resurfaced in a few isolated places, with books such as "The Cloud of Unknowing," and anything written by St. John of the Cross.-From my point of view the words have not been purged (at least not all) just the interpretations that have been corrupted.

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