Evolution, Science & Religion (Evolution)

by Balance_Maintained @, U.S.A., Saturday, June 16, 2012, 22:24 (4353 days ago) @ romansh

One of the things that my studies in game system design have helped me realize is that the separation is an illusion built upon compartmentalized knowledge. To use an example from my world, a game has interactions at the hardware level, software level, the in-game system level, the interface level, and at the user level (which is completely separate physically from the game itself). Common modes of thinking says to let the hardware guys handle the hardware, the software guys handle the software, the game designers handle the in-game system, the level designers build the levels, the art guys build all the artwork, the sound guys build all the sound, etc etc etc. But the truth is, none of these exist in a vacuum. They are separate working in unity, a unity that is not complete without an active agency, the player. -It is only when the game is played, that the system becomes complete. And, when all of the separate elements are in unity, something amazing happens. In the game industry it is referred to as flow, or immersion. Perhaps you have experienced it when you read a book and at some unknown point the words quit being words and you find yourself witnessing the events in real time in the landscape of your mind. -This unity, is almost Zen-like in definition. It is a Oneness of all of the inter-related elements in which the mental fictions of time, past and future, and the unfounded concerns and fears that we build within that framework disappears. You exist in the moment, as part of something larger than yourself. -I think this is the natural state of mankind. I think this is what was referred to in the Biblical fall brought on by the tree of knowledge. It was a separation from that sense of unity brought on by mankind imposing what he 'knows' on what his experience tells him 'is'. That is only possible when you are living outside the moment and you view yourself as outside the system.

What is the purpose of living? How about, 'to reduce needless suffering. It seems to me to be a worthy purpose.

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