Evolution in schools; legal trap (Introduction)

by dhw, Thursday, June 07, 2012, 17:52 (4553 days ago) @ David Turell

DAVID: The First Cause is energy, because it HAS to be. Since we are organized energy, first cause was also organized. To paraphrase LEAR: no organization will come of no organization. First cause is organized energy. The emergent property of organization is progressive evolution. First evolve a universe and then evolve us. All contingent events. Simple.-Clever, but it ain't necessarily so. Yes, we are organized, but that does NOT mean the first cause was organized. The whole debate centres on whether order can or can't generate itself out of disorder, and it proves nothing simply to state that it can't. We just don't know. Given an eternity and infinity of energy, we have an eternity and infinity of possible forms and combinations of the matter it may produce. So it's either eternal, conscious, self-organizing energy (God), or it's eternal unconscious energy which self-organizes at some point (or maybe even at many points) in an eternity of the higgledy-piggledy. Not so simple.

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