Balance of nature: global warming and ozone layer (Introduction)

by David Turell @, Saturday, January 11, 2025, 20:49 (54 days ago) @ dhw

DAVID: another example of contingent processes which had to follow a certain course to give us the Earth we have now. Chance or design?

dhw: Why would a designer who wanted diversity have designed a battle which delayed this diversity for 2 billion years?

DAVID: God-thinking vs. human analysis. The whole process took a very long time. Why should it be shorter? Human impatience?

dhw: My question is not an analysis. Your human assumption is that your all-powerful, all-knowing designer wanted the present diversity, with humans as his ultimare goal. If you can’t think of any reason why he would design an obstacle to achieving his own purpose, maybe your human assumption is wrong. Or maybe there is a reason, but you can’t or won’t consider it if it contradicts your human assumption that he is all-powerful and all-knowing.

DAVID: It is just His all-everything that tells us it had to be that way.

dhw: It is you who tell us that he exists, is all-everything, and had to fulfil the purpose you impose on him by using the method you impose on him. You are happy to use logical “human analysis” to show that life’s complexities are so great that they must have been designed, but when it comes to testing your theories concerning purpose and method, you prefer to label your all-everything God “messy, cumbersome and inefficient” rather than challenge your own human thinking.

I impost nothing on God. I assume this reality is caused by Him as it appears to us. The method is messy and non-direct, and putting Him in charge changes nothing.

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