Genetic Variation (Introduction)

by Balance_Maintained @, U.S.A., Friday, September 24, 2010, 12:13 (5174 days ago) @ xeno6696

If you believe that we should slow science only when humans are directly involved, you should do some more research on the tiny little bee. Our ecosystem is so finely balanced in some ways, that if we destroy just ONE thing, we run the risk of completely wiping out our species. So, for a small example, we use pesticides to get rid of insects because they destroy cash crops. However, the pesticide also covers the plants which the bees pollinate. The bees take pollen covered with the chemical back to the nest, where they make wax and honey from it. When the honey and wax are made, it emits a subtle chemical odor that drives the bees from their nest. So next year, the crops don't get pollinated.....

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