Complexity of gene codes (Introduction)

by xeno6696 @, Sonoran Desert, Monday, August 23, 2010, 01:41 (5015 days ago) @ David Turell

> > And I don't see how guppies changing size is anything other than genetic variation. > 
> > Again, it's something that I don't see as an issue, though you keep making it one... I still don't get it. Sexual recombination, pressure selection for smaller guppies... none of this refutes evolution by natural selection!
> It is the issue. The guppies change themselves in a different river in a two year period to allow natural selection to protect them.No time to wait for chance mutations. Small guppies were out into a river where the predators like small guppies and big guppies were put in a river where predators liked big guppies. Look up Reznick's work, which I believe is ongoing.This is epigenetics preparing for trouble. The organism does the initial work and then natural sdlection takes over. Who is the prime mover??-Yeah, to me this sounds like stress hormones acting on the genome; it wasn't my area of specialty, but I remember this being fairly well documented over the last ten years. -To answer your question, the prime mover would be the stimulus that stresses the organism and forces selection. It's like evolution within a generation, but... maybe its just the way I think, but I don't see this as threatening any paradigms...

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