Back to irreducible complexity (Introduction)

by David Turell @, Friday, February 05, 2010, 23:33 (5201 days ago) @ David Turell

The thoughts that James Shapiro have developed, involving the complexity of what might be called (and in fact has been) the epigenome, continues to raise chicken and egg problems for neo-Darwinsim. DNA requires a complex mechanism to translate the code, produce proteins and create a living organization of those proteins. Now a recent report in Science describes the rDNA mechanisms that protect against error copies, to preserve the original code. Chicken and egg: if DNA arose first, when did the protective copy rDNA arrive? Did DNA produce its own protection? If rDNA appeared later, what protected initial DNA from error translation?? Irreducible complexity appears to be present, with both aspects of the genome needing to arrive at the same time.-

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