REVISE THIS:Two sides of the irreducible complexity argument (Introduction)

by David Turell @, Saturday, September 19, 2009, 00:08 (5340 days ago) @ dhw

David has, for instance, asked the provocative question: How Did Sex Pop Up? Bearing in mind that it takes two to tango, and that if those two are to reproduce they will normally have to be male and female, the idea of simultaneous chance mutations puts a mighty strain on one's credulity. -
There are other two-to-tango issues: 1)upright posture in humans, and a simultaneously enlarging baby head. The female pelvis is changing at the same time, adapting to the posture and enlarging the outlet, simultaneously with the baby head growth, and ending up with a 90 degree angle in the birth canal. And the baby is a different individual from the mother with only half her DNA.-2) The examples of two cooperating species or parasitic species that I have recently given. Both must have mutually beneficial simultaneous mutations. All of this really strains credulity.

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