An attack on modern science (The limitations of science)

by David Turell @, Saturday, January 31, 2015, 23:58 (3365 days ago) @ David Turell

David I'm sure I couldn't follow it. Do you think there has been a series of singular universes like this one, and if there were do they vary, or are they all the same?-George: This discussion falls right into the area of our current discourse. What do you think of his presentation?:-"What we find is that the Universe is most consistent with being spatially flat, with being uniform over a volume that's much greater than the volume of the piece of the Universe observable to us, and therefore probably containing more Universe that's very similar to our own for hundreds of billions of light years in all directions, beyond what we can see.-"But theoretically, what we learn is even more tantalizing. You see, we can extrapolate the Big Bang backwards to an arbitrarily hot, dense, expanding state, and what we find is that it didn't get infinitely hot and dense early on, but rather that?—?above some energy and before some very early time?—?there was a phase that preceded the Big Bang, and set it up.-.......
"The singularity theorem tells us that an inflationary state is past-timelike-incomplete, and hence, most probably did not last a truly infinite amount of time, but rather arose some distant-but-finite point in the past. There are a huge number of Universes out there?—?possibly with different laws than our own and possibly not?—?but there are not enough of them to give us alternate versions of ourselves; the number of possible outcomes grows too rapidly compared to the rate that the number of possible Universes grows."-And lots more

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