The issue of chance... (Evolution)

by David Turell @, Saturday, June 13, 2009, 01:06 (5440 days ago) @ xeno6696

That is some amazing-sounding chemistry. It very likely is a step in the right direction. - Yes, a tiny step. 
> I have to ask you again however, how do you determine what theological claims are valid?
> Science operates under the assumption that we cannot differentiate from natural and supernatural events, and science cannot work without that assumption. - But scientific discoveries can be used to argue there is a God. - 
> Thus, we cannot use science when we discuss theology. - Again I agree.
> So again, what do you use to determine what kind of theological claims are valid and invalid? - The validity of God is not ABSOLUTELY proven and never will be. That is where faith comes in. But proof can be accepted beyond a reasonable doubt by those who wish to: Read Mortimer J. Adler's "How to Think About God",1980. Perhaps you know him. He was a leading 20th Century philosopher/theologan. Antony Flew, the famous atheist philosopher, now accepts that approach in his book,"There is a God", 2007.

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