Ruth & Rindler (General)

by BBella @, Wednesday, August 07, 2013, 04:49 (3923 days ago) @ David Turell
edited by unknown, Wednesday, August 07, 2013, 04:55

[DAVID]..Ruth is saying that the Heisenberg 'layer' of reality (HLR)is not our reality. Our spacetime is intimately connected to this other layer, but separate from it. 
> > 
> >[ME] I understand, in one sense, that the HLR is not our reality, in the sense we not aware of it as we go about our daily lives. And, I can understand that "our spacetime is intimately connected to this other layer". But how is it "separate from" our spacetime?
>[DAVID] As I understand it, it is with us at all times. We just don't have the sensory ability to appreciate it. We can pull out bits and pieces and study them but only partially.[...] It is here, but always separate. Just don't look for a boundary. Your lighted bulb emits photons absorbed by your retina. You see the light but not the quantum mechanics.-I do actually understand this part [...] of your explanation and am familiar with it since I have studied with interest the photon and the theroy of QM for many years (altho admittedly I've absorbed very little that's been emitted), but just because we can study it in action though aren't unaware of it in our daily life and lack the sensory ability to appreciate it still doesn't explain how it is separate from our reality. In what way is it separate?

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