by BBella @, Thursday, November 17, 2011, 20:35 (4564 days ago) @ Balance_Maintained

The entities(souls) need food. Food was scarce. Entities started starving. Survival instinct kicked in and they went to raid their parents house.(well of souls). Mom and Dad got pissed and put a padlock on the fridge. The entities, now starving, decided to eat their smaller siblings, and everyone knows cannibalism is bad juju. So, mom and dad labeled them bad kids and tried to kick them out. Unfortunately, the kids were too big to kick out by force, so mom and dad set up a furnished apartment and stocked the fridge with what appeared to be free food, which was in fact poison. The kids flocked to the new apartment where they were promptly locked in by their folks until they were too weak to fight back, where upon the parents tried to kill them. One enterprising youngster figured out that he could coerce other kids to come in, let them suck down the poison, and eat them without suffering the ill effects, and did so, thereby strengthening those living in the apartment and allowing them to survive. Now, they are healthy and pissed at mom and dad and they want revenge.

Oh my goodness!!! I love it and am still laughing. As a parent, I think I can relate completely with this whole scenario above! I also pictured birds whose grown children have yet to leave the nest! When it's time to go it's time to go! "Straighten up and fly right" a term we use here in the south a lot, I think came from the very scenario above. Because if you don't...to hell with ya!!! Of course I still have my 23 year old daughter and grandson living in my house, so I personally do not cotton to that kind of treatment. But, if food was scarce, we know things could get ugly. My 2 year old mixed grandson has chocolate colored skin...please don't tempt me with the scarcity of food..I'm addicted to chocolate.

See, no need for angels and demons, though it does make for an interesting and entertaining story....we are not here to criticize you for your beliefs, but at the moment we can not even hold a conversation with you because you are talking using terms that have no foundation and, more importantly, using terms that have DIFFERENT MEANINGS TO DIFFERENT PEOPLE. If you say Angel to a Judeo Christian, they will think something completely different than what you are talking about.

So very true Matt! It would be one thing if we were all sitting in the same pews at the same church. We'd have the same pictures in our minds for these labels. But when I hear them I am turned off, having a negative religious experience from the past. Even though I believe there could be lower energy entities/spirits, etc...I just don't know or understand their matter state. Using these terms and labels confuse me and thwart my understanding so that I can't follow the message Abel is trying to relate, even though I do continue to try and look over or around them to eek out what I can from what he is relating. If Abel does understand these entities and can explain them in a way I can understand... and relate to, it would be most helpful.

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