Quantum weirdness: How real is reality? Matt!!! (Introduction)

by BBella @, Monday, January 11, 2016, 23:01 (3037 days ago) @ David Turell

Thanks, David. My favorite kind of read.->Comment: Any thoughts?-My thoughts (unfixed as they are) below:-> This article discusses the philosophic ontological and epistemological approaches to quantum mechanics:
> http://www.npr.org/sections/13.7/2016/01/05/462010293/how-real-is-reality
> In the Copenhagen interpretation, electrons don't have intrinsic properties like position or spin. It's only the act of measurement that makes the electrons take on specific values of these properties.-It is within the very act of measuring (or simply observing) that the fabric of reality becomes momentarily fixed. The quantum fabric is the goo of potential. Reality is made when we observe or measure the goo of potential. 
>"Does the world have an intrinsic ontology? -It would seem to me the answer is yes. In the sense that reality itself is made within the goo of potential upon measuring or observing. This is the goo's intrinsic nature. ->Is there something out there independent of us that has specific properties in-and-of-it? -Nothing is independent. ->Or is it all a mush of potential and possibility about which only our knowledge takes on a stable form?-Yes.
> "The fundamental question remains. How real is reality?"-Reality is real, it's just ever changing, evolving from one potential to the next within the goo of All that Is.

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