Quantum weirdness; our reality (Introduction)

by David Turell @, Friday, July 04, 2014, 15:25 (3594 days ago) @ David Turell

It may truly underlie our reality:
> http://arstechnica.com/science/2014/07/quantum-state-may-be-a-real-thing/-Some conclusions?:-"If you take the view that the wave function only produces a probability distribution and then take all the wave functions that produce the same probability distribution—in other words, the observer's possible choices of wave functions, based on his or her knowledge of the system—and try to reproduce measurement results, you'll fail. Consequently, there is a single wave function that must represent reality.
"So which wave function represents reality? Many different wave functions could be right, because they produce the same probability distribution function, but we can't tell them apart. That's the consequence of this finding: one wave function represents reality, but our ability to tell which one is reduced.
 -"This paper is one of a series that is starting to reveal that our world is actually a quantum mechanical world at its very heart. Some aspects of it are non-local, some aspects of it are not real, and some aspects of it allow you to perform counterfactual operations."

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