Quantum weirdness; Many Worlds refuted (Introduction)

by David Turell @, Thursday, February 19, 2015, 14:51 (3363 days ago) @ David Turell

Thorough discussion of early theory, then many worlds picked apart:-http://aeon.co/magazine/science/is-the-many-worlds-hypothesis-just-a-fantasy/-"If the MWI were supported by some sound science, we would have to deal with it - and to do so with more seriousness than the merry invention of Doppelgängers to measure both quantum states of a photon. But it is not. It is grounded in a half-baked philosophical argument about a preference to simplify the axioms. Until Many Worlders can take seriously the philosophical implications of their vision, it's not clear why their colleagues, or the rest of us, should demur from the judgment of the philosopher of science Robert Crease that the MWI is ‘one of the most implausible and unrealistic ideas in the history of science'. Here, after all, is a theory that seems to allow everything conceivable to happen. To pretend that its only conceptual challenge is that it leads to scenarios like the plot of Sliding Doors (1998) shows a puzzling lacuna in the formidable minds of its advocates. Perhaps they should stop trying to tell us that philosophy is dead."

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