Quantum weirdness (Introduction)

by dhw, Sunday, December 01, 2013, 16:24 (3808 days ago) @ David Turell

dhw: This is named after Zeno's paradox, which states that, "since an arrow in flight is not seen to move during any single instant, it cannot possibly be moving at all." (Wikipedia) You have to decide which level you want to think (and live) on. If you believe that Zeno's paradox and the quantum Zeno effect are more real than your own everyday experiences, stand in front of the arrow.-DAVID: I won't choose the arrow, as the Zeno paradox is is false philosophy. The zeno effect is real, which forces you to accept the idea that human consciousness affects quantum mechanical processes.-My objection is to the suggestion that this level of reality is more real than our everyday reality.-dhw: I think he is UNDERestimating the true reality of our lived-in reality. We all "know" that our conscious mind is real, just as we all "know" that our body and our surroundings are real and the table is solid. Even if you argue that this "knowledge" is subjective, I see no difference between the two "knowledges", and I can't see what is so important.-DAVID: Only to recognize that everything we experience is at third hand in an interpretatiion by our neurons and emergent conscious undestanding. Yes, certainly real to us.-Why third hand? You seem to be separating "us" from our neurons and our consciousness. Yes, it's all interpretation, which = subjectivity. But there is also intersubjectivity, and that is as close as we can get to objectivity.

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