Thomas Kuhn revisited; for Matt especially (Introduction)

by xeno6696 @, Sonoran Desert, Tuesday, November 29, 2011, 00:07 (4722 days ago) @ David Turell

For my real reply, I must ask you, how does science work if it doesn't work by consensus?

Don't technical experts need to agree that a theory is an answer, for it to be an accepted theory? For example, isn't it true that more than one doctor must agree that strep is caused by bacteria in order for all doctors to claim that strep is caused by bacteria? Or is Jenny McCarthy right that thimerosol causes Autism?

\"Why is it, Master, that ascetics fight with ascetics?\"

\"It is, brahmin, because of attachment to views, adherence to views, fixation on views, addiction to views, obsession with views, holding firmly to views that ascetics fight with ascetics.\"

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