Information and free will (Introduction)

by dhw, Friday, October 07, 2011, 18:35 (4796 days ago) @ Balance_Maintained

DAVID: I think free will is easy to prove. The problem is we do not know the basis of consciousness.-But you have already agreed that your consciousness "includes my personality, my memories, my conscious control with free will". We simply do not know the basis or even the location of the will, and it cannot be separated from the rest of our personality, which you say is made up of 40% genetics, 40% parental influence, and 20% life experiences. There is therefore no way of knowing the extent to which our decisions are steered by influences beyond our control (in my terms: nature, nurture, chance).-TONY (b_m) has outlined apparently conflicting traits of his personality (e.g. non-confrontational v. aggressive). I don't think any of us would claim that our identity is clear-cut, or even that we could predict our own decisions under certain circumstances (would I be a hero or a coward if I were under attack?). That is precisely how we learn about ourselves. The free will discussion centres on whether those decisions really are free or have already been shaped by nature and/or nurture. You go on to say: "I personally do not buy into either side of that debate because I see the whole thing as a false perception. What constitutes a biological personality trait? What does not?" I would extend your question: can we ever draw clear boundaries between the influences of nature, nurture and chance? (David's latest post concerning a moral gene emphasizes the point.) I don't think we can. That is why, unlike David, I don't think we can possibly "prove" that our will is free. Nor, to be honest, do I feel any need to do so. I'm quite happy to make my decisions under what may be the illusion of free will, and I recognize that illusory or not, it is essential for my own well-being and for the smooth functioning of society. I'm therefore more interested in the interlinking question of whether our consciousness/ identity/will/memory/emotions are sourced and situated exclusively in the material body. -DAVID: I believe materialist reductionism will not explain emergent properties like consciousness. I'm not with the materialists. I believe the quantum level of reality is in charge in those issues.-Ah, that is the big question!-My apologies, David, concerning the inaccurate bibliography. I have read and greatly admired your Government by Political Spin, and will now focus my will on influencing your will to write a THIRD book.

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