Information and free will: (Introduction)

by dhw, Monday, July 16, 2012, 08:28 (4514 days ago) @ David Turell

DAVID: Living beings as robots run by information in DNA. Craig Venter reinvents a view of life. -"All living cells that we know of on this planet are 'DNA software'-driven biological machines comprised of hundreds of thousands of protein robots, coded for by the DNA, that carry out precise functions," said Venter. "We are now using computer software to design new DNA software."-Far be it from a fence-sitter to present your case for you, David, and perhaps you're just being uncharacteristically coy (or characteristically subtle), but it strikes me that hundreds of thousands of robots carrying out precise - and different - functions suggest a certain degree of intelligence at work. And now we have humans designing new DNA software as if to emphasize the point!

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