Regression to something (Introduction)

by dhw, Friday, September 09, 2011, 14:42 (4803 days ago) @ BBella

DAVID: [Either] a UI (energy) made the Big Bang and created this universe out of energy, or...-BBella found this concept difficult to understand, and as one of several alternatives wondered if David meant: "Energy is what created the Big Bang and all that IS, so I therefore believe it's intelligent energy." -DAVID: Yes, I believe God (UI) is both within and without our universe, and your final sentence is right on the mark.-I too have struggled with this idea, and wonder if an analogy might help us. In some ways, I'm able to be within and without myself: I can observe myself, and I can do things to myself ... trim my beard, scratch my head, get my rump to rest on my picket fence. So if God is all the energy there is, the suggestion seems to be that he manoeuvred a chunk of his own energy into exploding, thereby forming matter, and that he subsequently manoeuvred small chunks of that matter into the formation of living creatures, leading to a continuous process of evolution. -I'm not sure to what extent this fits in with process theology, but to me it is at least comprehensible. Of course the analogy must sooner or later come up against the prime question: did the conscious will (my little chunk of God) that enables me to do my thing precede the rest of me, or did it arise out of the same materials that form my beard, head, rump? Was there a conscious will (i.e. God's) before the Big Bang ... if it happened ... or is conscious will (i.e. ours) the chance product of the Big Bang? Round and round we go....

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