Feeling Reality (General)

by David Turell @, Monday, February 14, 2011, 20:01 (4842 days ago) @ dhw

> We are still left with a theoretical choice between a UI and an impersonal, non-conscious universe,-> 
> It is an argument from complexity AND incredulity, because neither you nor I can believe that such complexity could arise by chance.-Here we agree. But for your thinking, if chance can't do it, what does? -> The design argument therefore leads us down the same cul de sac as the 'first cause' argument ... who caused the cause / who designed the designer? ... and so it supports agnosticism, not theism.-Your answer does not follow. Either you accept a first cause or you do not. By definition there is nothing before a first cause. --> I was simply expressing my bewilderment at the fact that although atheists may appreciate the miraculous complexity of it all, they are still able to dismiss the idea of design. -But you cannot dismiss design, and you seem unwilling to accept first cause. No Aristotle for you. Back to the picket fence!

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