Computer \"reads\" memories... (Humans)

by BBella @, Monday, March 29, 2010, 06:52 (5162 days ago) @ BBella

2 part continued from previous post->How we could possibly live on bodiless in a universe of love and no suffering without there being a God to organize it all is far, far beyond my imaginative powers, but fortunately you didn't ask me to explain the technicalities!-Still unsure why we should have to be without a body after death in our own UT? Also, if there is only the fabric of What IS in which we all exist within and are part and parcel of, then it is already organized enough to maintain existence as we know it. Whether by chance or by an organized God or just a fabric, it is already able to sustain life as we know it. Why could it not sustain or provide for life with a body after this life that some claim they know is? -Not surprisingly, I agree with you on most everything. Your UT is right in line with mine... except, I would have suffering in my UT. Sadly, because we already have suffering, it cannot be placed into a closet and forgotten. It would have to be a place that throughout time a body could have the choice to experience so they could truly comprehend just how good they have it, and so freedom truly means free. UT would have a holographic program we could enter into and experience all the hell we need to remind us of just how great we have it, lest we forget and repeat it again. We would enter and leave the hologram just like people enter here and leave here; through birth and death. That way it's not just a "fun house" for the base minded. This hologram would be purely a hologram and not real in anyway, altho it would feel as if everything is real, just like it feels when we come here, no difference...a whole life without memory of how we got here and where we are going when we leave.

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