Irreducible complexity (Introduction)

by David Turell @, Saturday, April 19, 2014, 16:01 (3670 days ago) @ David Turell

Computer simulations to deny the existence of irreducible complexity fail under analysis:-"This paper has investigated a number of published models
that claim to demonstrate the evolution of irreducibly complex
systems, and found that these models have failed on a number
of fronts. Two of the models fail to satisfy the knockout test, in
that they maintain functionality after parts have been removed.
Almost all of the models use parts that are trivially complex, on
the order of an amino acid rather than a protein in complexity.
None of the models attempt to show why the mechanism used
necessarily requires its parts. Finally, some of the models have
been carefully designed to evolve. Thus, none of the models
presented have demonstrated the ability to evolve an irreducibly
complex system.
"In contrast, we do find irreducible complexity in the designed
sensory system of the Tierran ancestor. This system is an example
of what kind of system it would be necessary to evolve in
order to falsify the claim that irreducible complexity is difficult
to evolve. It has not been proven that the sensory system cannot
evolve, but neither has it been shown that the sensory system
can evolve. The prediction of irreducible complexity in computer
simulations is that such systems will not generally evolve
apart from intelligent aid.
"The prediction that irreducibly complex systems cannot
evolve by a Darwinian process has thus far stood the test in
computer models. Some have claimed to falsify the prediction,
but have failed to follow the definition of irreducible complexity.
However, it is always possible that a model will arrive that
will falsify the claim. Until then, as a falsifiable prediction the
evidence for irreducible complexity grows stronger with each
failed attempt."

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