Stenger\'s Cosmology (Introduction)

by dhw, Friday, March 28, 2014, 13:18 (3893 days ago) @ George Jelliss

George: Why does something have to spring from something else? 
Why can't it just begin in the simplest possible way and evolve from there?
Asking for there to be some "before" to it loses any explanatory power. 
You get an endless regression, the "turtles all the way down" fallacy.
-As a mere agnostic, I'd just like to point out that everything beginning in the simplest possible way and evolving from there constitutes a "first cause". How about this? "It" all began with simple energy which has been in existence for ever and ever. And energy begat matter, and matter begat our universe, and our universe begat life, and life begat us.-*****-I have just seen your post about Plotinus, and will try to come back it later. Thank you.

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