by David Turell @, Monday, June 04, 2012, 17:45 (4565 days ago) @ Thomas Kelly

> dhw: "We are limited to highlighting the last 40 posts, and it would be unfair to others if you monopolized the space simply by posting chapter after chapter and sermon after sermon."
> Thomas Kelly:Sermons are useful and you may need to know I don't know what you may have thought about sermons. I now have some knowledge of the limit you put and what you showed as justice to you.-Why don't you respond to my previous post?:-> djt: I have enjoyed my life to the fullest. It has been a privilege to have lived over four score years. I have found God, not the God of religions, but the God revealed by my own reason. This is much more fulfilling, because I have my own personal relationship rather than being told how I should believe. No religion knows the truth. It is all taken on faith, built on writings by other humans who know no more than I do. Each religion's truth differs. Jewish, Christian, Muslim all have different versions of God. Buddhism and other Eastern religions have a different approach. We are all part of God. He must be amused at this flailing about in trying to relate to him. I feel all religions are correct for their believers. God doesn't care if they differ, for no religion is better than any other. You don't need to follow a crowd for belief. And finally, don't ever attempt to impose your belief on others. Limit your self to explaining your belief. Anything else is insulting to intelligent folks.-The New Testament Gospels were written 60-80 years after the death of Jesus from oral stories. Gnostic versions have been eliminated. How do you attest to the accuracy of your quotes? I assume you take them on faith, which is fine. But we may not have the same faith you have and may see no need to accept your faith. Please explain why you believe what you believe.

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