by Thomas Kelly ⌂ @, Monday, June 04, 2012, 12:56 (4565 days ago) @ dhw
edited by unknown, Monday, June 04, 2012, 13:06

dhw,-You put.-"Thomas quoted Matthew's advice to love, bless, serve, pray for, benefit etc. our enemies, which I suggested was impractical in certain circumstances. Thomas now says "it becomes a judgement of the loss and gain of lives in a defence of mankind", and there may be "a defence of using force for preservation." So you are now telling me what I was telling you: Matthew's advice requires qualification. What, I wonder, was the point of quoting it in the first place?"-You may look at what you quoted in my answers to the questions of your original post. I have done no wrong. You may look at a post on this website in this forum from the link below and some information is near bottom of the post.-http://www.agnosticweb.com/index.php?id=10084-I may answer about Matthew's advice and loss and gain of people later, you may have enough to do in answering the questions you didn't answer suitably.

All guessed.

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