Wisdom and Cheese (General)

by dhw, Thursday, December 01, 2011, 17:33 (4549 days ago)

TONY (under In Memoriam Lynn Margulis): David has just unwittingly offered some support to one of the concepts that I was hashing out in our other threads.


This is an article talking about the original root of the word Wisdom. It is very informative in its simplicity.

It is indeed, but I must tell you that there is a dangerous, though understandable error in its conclusion: “There appears to be a physical connection between cheese and wisdom as this passage indicates that eating cheese can bring about wisdom.”

I happen to have done a vast amount of research on this subject, and readers of this post should feel privileged that they are the first to be informed of my definitive results.

Long ago, even before Moses laid the foundations for modern medicine by taking the tablets, a Jewish explorer named Theo Broma travelled to the land now known as Mexico. There he discovered a beautiful garden containing a remarkable tree, which the natives called The Tree of Knowledge. In those days, their language made no distinction between knowledge and wisdom. (Remember this was before scientists, politicians, economists etc. had conclusively proved that you can have the one without the other.) The tree had been planted by their loving, caring God who, unlike Theo’s own God, had told them to eat as much of its fruit as they could, because “Knowledge/Wisdom will make you happy” – a saying that has been passed from generation to generation, and indeed from religion to religion. The name of this fruit was cxhtozcxoplhaxtcel. When Theo returned home, he took a large collection of the fruit with him, together with the recipe that enabled him to transform it into the wisdom-bearing ambrosia. The Hebrew language was also very restricted at that time, and the Jews, who were a highly conservative race with a built-in resistance to foreign words, refused to allow this exquisite term into their vocabulary. And so they gave it the same name as cheese (I can’t type Hebrew characters on my computer). But as we modern folk know all too well, cheese does not bring wisdom. Cheese brings weight gain, indigestion, clogged arteries, high cholesterol and bad dreams. Cxhtozcxoplhaxtcel, on the other hand, as promised by the omniscient God who planted it, brings wisdom and happiness. The article to which Tony has kindly drawn our attention is therefore in urgent need of revision, and I hope my research will swiftly replace the dangerous myth with the facts as I have faithfully reported them.

You may wonder how I know all this. Despite the scepticism of one Xeno and the modern view of the Buddha Shakyamuni’s teachings, I can now reveal that I am in fact a reincarnation of Theo Broma.*** I am also extremely proud to tell you that it was one of my ancestors, DHW the Twelfth, who ingeniously created the modern name for this wondrous food, by the simple method of extracting alternate letters from the original Aztec.

*** To this day, the tree is known by the name Theobroma cacao.

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