Ethics (Religion)

by dhw, Sunday, October 05, 2008, 11:17 (5688 days ago) @ Carl

Carl: "Dhw and I are in agreement on opposition to capital punishment, but my opposition is not to the effect on the criminal (though that is profound) but rather the effect on society."
I see no difference between us, although I do have one objection to your terminology. You state that society has an obligation to pursue revenge in the form of justice. Revenge creates a never-ending cycle of violence at all levels (think of vendettas), and if that is the ethic behind human justice, it sets the worst possible example, as epitomized by the death penalty. Revenge to me suggests an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, and a life for a life. I believe society's motive should be self-protection (with as much help as possible given to the families of the victims). But then you say: "The objective of society should be to minimize the use of violence to that necessary to ensure human freedom and dignity." Precisely. The two arguments I posted were: "Morality consists in the right of all human beings to pursue happiness in such a way that it causes minimal harm to humanity and to other forms of life", plus "society does not need to kill criminals in order to protect itself". I think we're on the same side for the same reasons. - David asks: "Why should I pay taxes to support a premeditated murderer?" Economics before ethics? I accept your argument that there are different types of murder, and I am not saying let's be soft on the child-killers, the cold-blooded planners, the serial murderers. But if you asked me cold-bloodedly and with premeditation to stick in the needle or pull the lever or fire the shot that would kill them, I would not be able to do it, and I would not ask anyone else to do it in my name. I think I have a more practical solution than your Devil's Island. Why not lock them up in existing, supervised, secure institutions for the rest of their days, to ensure they never harm society again? Let's call it "life imprisonment".

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