Further Treatises on Time... (Humans)

by xeno6696 @, Sonoran Desert, Saturday, March 12, 2011, 03:32 (4802 days ago) @ David Turell

> > 
> > Another important thing to help you understand me a little better is that Einstein's theory of relativity also tells us that it's impossible to measure time without velocity and an observer. 
> > 
> > Which makes sense; we measure time by rotations on a clock. our days are measured by the earth's rotation, our years by the sun, etc. 
> > 
> > If you took all these things away--such as what you would see in deep interstellar space; you would not even have a concept of time--it would be meaningless. For humans, time is a natural consequence of rotation.
> > 
> > What would a civilization look like if there were no time?
> This is exactly where your philosophic view of time bothers me. It is not important, which is probably a matter of age. I am approaching 82 years of age. I have a very magnificent memory, as long as it isn't right now. I do regularly lose my glasses, I can't complete a day without a written list, but up to three or four years ago, no problem. On the other hand I have memories from when I was two years old, and I can follow year by year events in my life, even into this year. I realize that time is a human construct, based on various rotations and orbits. I realize those measurements might be different and time is a human construct. I'm not going to practice zen, but I've read about timelessness and 'at one' with the universe, if one learns to meditate. On the other hand your point about Einstein does help me in understanding relativity better. Thanks for helping. 
> Now what do you think of Tony's skeptical plasma/ electricity/ electromagnetism theories. I'm a biologist, but both of you are far more advanced in math and physics.-I honestly don't know... I've been responding here the past couple of days because the responses could be short. -What I need to do is give a lengthy response to dhw, but that requires more effort than what I can spare. (Tests this week just before spring break...)

\"Why is it, Master, that ascetics fight with ascetics?\"

\"It is, brahmin, because of attachment to views, adherence to views, fixation on views, addiction to views, obsession with views, holding firmly to views that ascetics fight with ascetics.\"

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