Rapid evolution or epigenetics? (Introduction)

by David Turell @, Sunday, March 06, 2011, 16:03 (5011 days ago) @ dhw

I admit that my suggestion is pure speculation, but so is yours. (Of course, I think mine fits in far better with the higgledy-piggledy, hello-goodbye, where's-this-leading evolutionary bush, not to mention the UI's apparent absence of interest in what you believe to be the main object of his attentions. But hey, I'll still grant your speculation equality with mine!)-I think we are close enough to each other to agree that DNA seems to have a mechanism for increasing complexity, however it got there. Gould's opinion that evolution could only work in one direction because it started with such simple bacteria makes no sense. Bacteria started it and are still here. With that kind of success, the biggest biomass on Earth, why bother with complexity?

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