Rapid evolution or epigenetics? (Introduction)

by David Turell @, Saturday, March 05, 2011, 17:00 (5012 days ago) @ dhw

> A misunderstanding. I'm not disputing the bush pattern. I'm disputing your identification of the bush with a direct drive to what you regard as the end product ... humans. One would have expected pre-planning to be direct, but direct is NOT bush-form. As you rightly pointed out, my proposal (without pre-planning) "automatically will be in bush form". One up, I think, for my proposal.
> -Not one-up. You are theorizing completely. I have presumed a directed pattern. then I look and see the adaptation abilities with directed allow for any sudden environmedtal or preditory dangers. A wise director made this kind of direct plan. Wa la! bush. Your bush comes from a diffferent source and mechanism, and the bushes will be similar in overall appearance and different in internal pattern. We are all even! 
> As I said before, I don't want to get sidetracked into definitions of intelligence/ consciousness. -My poodle is very intelligent. He is conscious and aware of what he needs to do, or keep from doing, like peeing on the rug. But he is not 'aware that he is aware'. Neither were the termites who took to build big mounds. My fire ants, no thanks to Africa, make very tiny mounds. They are tiny, termites are big, so big mounds. Those insects have no consciousness, but like the poodle are conscious and aware of proper things to do, by instinct.
> Another misunderstanding. I quoted the passage about consciousness because of its assumption that insects are unconscious. It is also a challenge to the anthropocentric interpretation of evolution, which may be why you don't like it!-Insects are conscious, as I stated above. The anthropocentric interpretation of evolution is from the conclusion that DNA and its layers of control cannot have been developed by chance. There is no code we know of within human endeavor that is not created by intellect. This code in DNA is extremely efficient, transmits extrordinary amounts of information, and information cannot be created by chance. Try monkeys, a typewriter and a Shakespeare sonnet.

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