Let robots be \"babies\" first... (Humans)

by xeno6696 @, Sonoran Desert, Friday, January 28, 2011, 01:38 (4845 days ago) @ David Turell

&am... > 
> > Some of the findings about how adaptable the robots were cast evolution in an interesting light...
> > 
> > Like I suggested some time before, a full deist God might make more sense; robustness comes not from strong, centralized control, but from letting many things make many mistakes.
> Agreed. What we find in nature as evolved organism is cooperation of the whole entity, and way more complex than we can design at this time. How come nature is so much smarter a designer than we are? Nano-engineering is nature's forte. I know the drill, one step at a time up Mount Improbable. The interlocking parts develop bit by bit, and somehow work despite the incompleteness in development. This is Missing George's just-so story.-No... my objection is similar to George's but not the same. Amazement or incredulousness (which is exactly your emotion here) simply isn't enough to justify a grand design. Inference isn't enough. Physics trumps metaphysics any day of the week. Scientific Materialism is reliable. It just depends on what you want from life... -At some point we all need to make a decision about what's important to us, philosophically. Knowledge is important. In my view, knowledge is all. I long ago abandoned truth for knowledge; relativity for predictability. -As I've said often enough, we are firmly trapped in terms of our means to study the universe. I accept the limitations; you go beyond them. Reason vs. empiricism, to be more precise--reason alone isn't enough for a claim to be true, so our search is limited to knowledge. What can we know to be true? (dhw; and what we know to be true can shift.) I admit that God could exist, but insomuch as it is beyond our capacity to study, I see no reason to go down that path.

\"Why is it, Master, that ascetics fight with ascetics?\"

\"It is, brahmin, because of attachment to views, adherence to views, fixation on views, addiction to views, obsession with views, holding firmly to views that ascetics fight with ascetics.\"

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