Can The World Survive Without Religion (Yes or No) A Hindu P (General)

by David Turell @, Saturday, November 27, 2010, 15:37 (4921 days ago) @ satyansh

> Being a Hindu is way beyond just believing is god or not believing in god. God isn't the centre of attraction in Hinduism. Karma which means your Deeds are the centre of attraction. There is more emphasis on being a good human being and not necessarily on being a believer in God. That is where the core difference between Hinduism and abrahamic faiths is. I feel at times god and heaven and hell and all these concepts are given way too much importance than the actual practice of doing good deeds. I always say one thing to Christians and Muslims that rather concentrating on avoiding going to hell which i find extremely amusing why dont you just concentrate on doing good deeds because if you do that you would automatically not go to hell.-Your thinking sounds just like mine, and I deeply appreciate the time you have spent in explaining The Hindu thought patterns. I am a descendent of Abraham, A Jew, who can't get around the idea that a greater power created our universe. Everything has a first cause. Karma or your deeds, of course, are the center of the matter. The Old Testament says be good for goodness itself, when its God is warlike. The New Testament says be good or face the punishments. It is a book which treats people like litle children, reward (heaven) or punishment (hell). The Koran has too much paganism for me. Attack the rest of the world and make it change to Koranic religion, whatever that is. - but you see schools in america teaching kids about hell and how scary it is rather than teaching them to be good human beings. i find it weird.-Only in parochial schools is such teaching given. Public schools could never be allowed to teach about hell. Discuss Dante's Inferno, yes, as literature. Religious, no.

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