Neanderthal research (Introduction)

by Balance_Maintained @, U.S.A., Thursday, September 23, 2010, 00:24 (4975 days ago) @ David Turell

I would love to read it. (Damn amazon is going to be making a mint off of me unless I can find all these at the local used bookstore). But that is part of my point. Only a few years back they were saying that we wer something like 98% similar, and now they are back tracking by 13%.. give or take. -We share features with a great many animals. We have two eyes, two ears, are warm blooded quadrapeds, with fur, and extremely similar internal organs. Those that taut macro-evolution say that it is because it has to be that way to work, and I whole heartedly agree. But that does not mean that I even remotely buy into macro-evolution. Heh, the other night on BBC they aired Stephen Hawkings 'Origin of Life: Aliens' or some such. I forget the full title.

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