The Far East (Religion)

by xeno6696 @, Sonoran Desert, Sunday, September 19, 2010, 19:09 (4979 days ago) @ Balance_Maintained

You are most likely correct there, as far water not reaching the top of mount Everest. However, this is not as discouraging to me as you might think. I think, from a skeptical perspective we could say that a global flood could happen, but it would not reach the top of Mount Everest. That would leave two avenues of research for me, one for a trigger, most likely meteoric, the other geological evidence of such a major event. The only trouble with evidence is that Geology has just as many interpretations as the bible LOL. Going to do so more digging, then I'll step up to the plate and lob more balls at you and see if you can deflect them. :)-I know that we could do a force calculation--with some numbers about the kind of force it takes to force water out of perovskite, and we could scale that up to find the mass of the meteorite that would have had to hit the earth. -I think a world flood would be possible from a meteor strike event--one that would have flooded all the low-lying areas as seawater plunged up the riverbeds. This would have again--flooded the majority of civilizations at the time.

\"Why is it, Master, that ascetics fight with ascetics?\"

\"It is, brahmin, because of attachment to views, adherence to views, fixation on views, addiction to views, obsession with views, holding firmly to views that ascetics fight with ascetics.\"

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