by dhw, Wednesday, September 27, 2023, 13:45 (219 days ago) @ David Turell

dhw: I'm off again. I've been told that rehearsals have gone well, all performances are already sold out, and now we must hope there'll be no last-minute disasters!

I shall be away for at least ten days, far from my computer, and once more my thanks to you, David, for keeping the forum ticking over in my absence. For all our jousts, you know how much I appreciate the wealth of information which you provide and which has kept the forum open for so long.

By the time I get back, I hope your God will have sent you a messenger to explain all your theories to you!:-)

DAVID: Enjoy those ten days. We all wish we could be in the audience. In the meanwhile, I'll be looking for more scientific evidence of God's works consistent with my theories about God. ;-)


Back again. Great production.
Audiences entertained and moved.
Actors very happy indeed,
And even the critics approved!

Once more, my thanks to David for keeping the forum going. Not quite as exciting as live theatre, but we have our moments!

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